John 1:1-5

“In the beginning was the Word,”
In the beginning, there you were.
The way to freedom,
The truth to all creation,
The life to all mankind.
“and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
In the beginning, there you were.
Ready to save us before we even needed saving,
eager to love with all of You,
Ready to give your life for mine.
“He was with God in the beginning.”
In the beginning, there you were.
Hovering over the waters,
At the right hand of the Father.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
All different, all One.
“Through Him, all things were made;”
In the beginning, there you were.
Your heart beating for mine.
You created the earth, the heavens, the skies,
All in preparation
For when You would create their hearts and mine.
“without Him nothing was made that has been made.”
In the beginning, there you were.
Making a dwelling place, a home,
for our love to grow.
There’d be no life without you.
Without you there’d be no breath.
Without you, our weary souls
would never find their rest.
Without you: a world in which I never wish to live.
“In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.”
In the beginning, there you were.
And with your words,
“Let there be light.”
life itself began.
In your light,
Life came into existence.
You and I could become One,
And in the garden, forever live.
Then the day came,
darkness crept in.
A serpent with lies
So beautifully painted like truth.
Your creation fell,
And suddenly knew
what you never intended them to.
Our love tainted,
Our eyes opened.
Naked and Ashamed,
We hid from you.
The world with all of those you love,
Found toil and strife their new existence.
A life of pain, sorrow, and suffering,
Instead of of peace, love, and adoration.
This is not the life you wanted
For your beloved children.
Not the image you had in mind
When you spoke life into existence.
But you knew there was a chance.
You knew that this could happen.
You hoped with all your heart it wouldn’t,
but knew there was a chance it could.
But more than this, you were willing to risk it all,
Just to pour out all your love.
And love, if true, cannot be forced.
So you gave us the decision.
To choose your love, to trust in you,
To take you word as truth.
But the serpent came and we made our choice,
we fell for its deception.
We bit into the bitterness of a rotten fruit,
And with it, we lost you.
But you were not surprised,
Your sovereignty had a plan.
For you gave us the choice to choose your love,
and you had the plan to win us back.
You, the Word, the son of God,
Came down in the flesh.
You hung your life upon a cross,
And suffered brutal punishment.
On the cross you paid the price,
That that bittersweet fruit costed.
A price that we could never pay,
A punishment that was never yours to be punished.
The perfect, spotless lamb.
The innocent, blameless, Son of Man.
The Word of God, the creator of all creation,
God incarnate sacrificed His life for mine.
For this sacrifice you died, and with it,
“The light shines in the darkness,
And the darkness has not overcome it.”
In the beginning, there you were.
The Word of God,
The Holy One,
Hovering over the waters.
You spoke your light into existence,
And life along with it.
And there you were, from the beginning,
With a plan for our redemption,
Creating what you knew would need saving.
Creating despite knowing what it would cost to save.
You spoke anyway.
You created anyway.
You loved anyway.
And when the time came,
You came down to the earth,
And did what you knew you would,
On that very first day.
The light of the world,
Made himself low.
The light of the world made the decision we could never make,
to save our souls.
The devil laughed at the cross that day,
Thinking he had finally won.
That darkness would once and for all
Take Light’s place and Light would be over and gone.
But the earth began to shake,
And the veil was turn.
The King of Kings stormed hell’s gates,
And knocked down Satan’s door.
And three days later,
He rose in victory.
With the keys of hell and salvation,
Held in the holes in his hands.
And from the hole in his side
His Love pours out on us all.
We are now His forevermore
and nothing in Hell,
or here on earth below,
Could ever separate us again.
“The light shines in the darkness,
And the darkness has not overcome it.”
It never has,
It never did,
And it never will.
Thank you, Jesus.
You’re beautiful.
I love you.