Good and Faithful Redeemer. How I Love You.

You are good.
You are faithful.
You are true.
You are always working in restoration,
it’s who You are,
it’s what You do.
God, You don’t make tragedies happen,
But, God,
in Your kindness,
in Your goodness,
You are there
to carry us through.
I’ve seen dead things come to life,
I’ve seen broken stories become
ones of beauty and redemption.
I’ve been broken,
I’ve been restored,
and I’ve been broken again.
But, God, You are faithful,
and I can trust in You.
No matter the beginning
the middle,
or the unexpected plot twists
that I still don’t understand,
You are with me,
and You are working it all out,
I know how this story will end.
So, I will sing of Your goodness,
and I will give You my every last breath.
I will sing of Your faithfulness,
and I will trust in Your plans.
For, You are here with me,
and You are ready.
to restore what’s been broken,
to breathe Life into old wounds
and to bring the healing
You have always longed to give.
To take my shame
and give me a double portion.
To take what’s been stolen
and give me more than what I lost.
You are the God of restoration.
You are the God of redemption.
You are the God who makes all things new.
You are The God of rewriting stories.
It’s who You are.
It’s who You always have been
and this is just what You do.
You are Goodness.
You are Faithfulness.
You are Love.
You are Truth.
And no matter what may come,
whatever this life may bring,
I can rest in knowing this:
God, You are always working behind the scenes,
working for my good,
and restoring everything.
This is Your promise to all of Your children.
This is the beautiful Truth that You bring.
This is the reason that I sing.
I love You, Lord.
I love You.
You are good.
You are faithful.
I love You.
I love You.
I love You.